Certified BIM Designer.
Become BIM certified today.
BIM education.
Certified BIM Manager. (coming soon)
Certified BIM Coordinator. (coming soon)
Certified BIM Designer. (coming soon)
CBD is our unique BIM education course made for designers.
The Certified BIM Practitioner (CBP) is the first certificate offered by TBFA’s BIM Education Program. It is the best-rounded certificate aiming at existing Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Building Operation professionals. This 16-hour course provides the majority of the important knowledge from understating what Building Information Modeling means to various management systems that are critical for anyone wanting to initiate or jump right into a BIM project.
Course schedules.
S1.CBD.18 | 2-weeks | 6 days | 12 hours:
2 Mondays, 2 Wednesdays, 2 Fridays | 18:00:00 - 20:00
Registration is coming FALL 2020.
Course fees.
Certified BIM Designer.
The Certified BIM Designer is a 2-week condensed course aims at working design professionals within the AEC industry who wants to obtain the overall BIM knowledge and understanding of the concepts, process, and technology of BIM in order to confidently design any BIM project.
This course was created for the purpose of providing those with 3+ years of industry experience, especially those in the management position within the Architecture and Engineering industry.
The intent of this course is not to make the participant an immediate expert of BIM or it is intended to provide the participant with full knowledge of any particular BIM software application. This course is only meant to provide the concept of BIM as well as cover the technology and process behind it. We highly encourage the participant to continue to obtain further BIM knowledge through other means beyond this course.
Module breakdown.
The Certified BIM Designer comprises of 2 modules. Each module has 3 Sessions and is broken down by days. Below is the summary of the 2 modules which are required for each candidate to take concurrently and to complete in order to obtain the qualifications to take the CBD Exam.
Session 01: Traditional Design vs. BIM Design.
Session 02: BIM Process & Management.
Session 03: Working Together in BIM.
Module 2: S1.CBD.18.2 | BIM IN PRATICE.
Session 04: Technicality of BIM.
Session 05: Modeling in BIM.
Session 06: The BIM Design Practice.
CBP course learning objectives.
The primary objective of this course is for the candidate to learn:
The understanding of traditional design vs BIM design principles.
The general concept of the BIM process.
The collaboration and coordination process.
The importance of components and data in a 3D BIM model.
The current use of BIM in practice and the federated model.
The fundamentals of modeling in BIM.
Maximization of modeling efficiencies and coordination.
The current use of BIM models in practice and construction activities.
Elements of our BIM course.
The main strategy for each session is through lectures and collaborative working discussions.
The first part of the session will be the lecture by the instructor on a specific topic for that week.
The second part of the session is to separate into groups of specific trades in order to discuss the relationship of the day’s topic relating to that trade.
The third and final part of the session is to create teams from each trade in order to solve or communicate a specific problem relating to the day’s topic.
Upon completion of the course, the participant is required to take the course exam in order to obtain the designated title. For more information on the exam, please refer to the Course Exam Booklet or contact your program advisor for details.
Participate and Share Ideas:
Keep in mind that most of the learning will come from the discussion and communication of others through the knowledge shared. Since the session is made up of many professionals from different backgrounds, it is important everyone does their part and participate and discuss as many ideas and solutions as possible with each other through everyone's unique experiences.
To get the most out of this course, get involved, participate, question and stay active in the discussion during the session as well as beyond.
CBP exam.
Once the participant has completed this course and passes all the requirements by the instructor, he/she will receive the CBD Exam Manual and will be qualified to take the CBD exam. This is a required test in order to receive the Certified BIM Designer Certificate. This exam comprises of multiple choices and true or false questions with one written answer at the end. It is a closed-book exam and will be time-limited. Therefore, it is suggested that the participant review the materials thoroughly before the test.
During the exam, it is important that the participant pay close attention to each question and do the process of elimination. Once all the questions have been gone through once, then it is time to go back to the skipped questions.
Before the exam, the instructor will have a 15-minute review session to go through the process and review some of the contents. This is a good time to address the instructor with all the questions and concerns before the exam begins. Once the exam starts, the instructor will ask the participant to silence all cell phones for the duration of the test and there will be no more talking or questioning allowed.
Course record.
At the completion of the course, the instructor will hand out a Participant’s Registration Form to all qualified participants. The original completed form is then required to be turned into the TBFA’s instructor for processing.
Once completed, the participant will be added to the TBFA’s Certified Members’ Directory of officially qualified individuals who have completed the course.
This database can be used by the participants to keep track of completed courses and certificates as well as receive transcripts. It is also a way for others to verify and identify the authenticity of those who have completed the required certificate.
Check out the list of current Certified Members here.
Course assessment.
Your feedback is very important to our program. TBFA needs everyone’s opinion in order to improve the course, sessions and even this particular booklet. We encourage everyone to provide comments and assess the course experience through the online evaluation page at:
Minimum of 2 years in the design, engineering, and construction industry.
High-school diploma.
For frequently asked questions regarding this course, please check out our FAQ here.
For all other questions and inquiries, please contact us.